"Our son, Vincent, has been going to Transfiguration Chinese school for the last 6 years. Our daughter, Veronica, also started Chinese school 3 years ago. They are learning Cantonese and Traditional Chinese characters at Transfiguration. Both my husband and I feel that it is very important that our American born children get to learn the language and culture of our families and ancestors. The teachers at Transfiguration Chinese school have been most nurturing and patient: teaching the children not only through the standard text books, but also through songs, calligraphy, and Chinese poetry. We are very excited that Vincent will be graduating this year from 6th grade. We already have planned to learn Mandarin together as a family. We look forward to continuing our study at Transfiguration!" -- Mr & Mrs Mok




中文學校廣東話班的十多位學生,各有不同的天賦,分別在寫字、畫畫、音樂和體育等活動上展現出來。其中莫兆亨同學在寫字和畫畫方面表現特別出色,他不只喜歡寫字,而且寫字時態度十分用心,只要對某個字型結構稍有疑惑,一定會不恥下問。為了讓他領略中國文字的造字原則和藝術美感,我在徵得他和家長的同意下,讓他在家中每週臨摹一張書法在上課日帶回學校給我批改。除了他外,我也有給班上兩位同學的書法功課一些意見。最近我挑選了他們一兩張寫得比較好的功課去參加一年一度的全美中文學校青少年書法比賽,而莫兆亨同學的作品更有幸得到評審老師的青睞,獲得五年級組第一 名。作為指導老師的我真是與有榮焉,希望他個人不要驕傲,無論在學習中文或書法上繼續保持那種認真的態度,要不斷地努力,更上一層樓!